The Musique-Cordiale Trust was launched in England in 2016. It is registered as an English charity (registered charity number 1167732). It is independent from the association which runs the festival and has its own separate trustees although it shares many common goals and is expected to provide support to the festival in the form of grants and bursaries for particular educational and cultural purposes and to sustain the festival – and to promote the charitable goals of Musique Cordiale – in various ways.
an 18-year record of valuable achievement in Pan-European musical and cultural exchange & education
Admirable Aspirations – a Labour of Love – Modest Means
Musique-Cordiale is not just about lovely concerts and the development of young musical talent. Nor does it simply encourage entente between Britain and France. With Britain’s imminent departure from the EU, pan-European cultural and educational initiatives like it become even more important for us all to encourage. The Musique-Cordiale Trust exists to support musical exchange and education throughout the countries which are members of the larger 47-member Council of Europe while the MC International Festival encourages participation from musicians, singers and students from every country in this wider Europe
The objects of the Trust are to promote education and the arts. To further these objects, the Trust’s goals include the promotion of European understanding of arts and music, the performance of high-quality music, the promotion of musical and artistic talent and the education of musicians from all over Europe. The Trust currently has a particular focus on:
- helping musicians and singers to participate in opportunities available from conservatoires, academies, schools or tuition, including, in particular, those offered via (or in association with) the Musique Cordiale International Festival and Academy (which is run by L’association Musique Cordiale, a non-profit French public-benefit association) or directly organised by the charity itself. Here, assistance will be given to enable musicians and singers to attend to provide teaching or participate in high-quality public performances.
- supporting young musicians or singers from member countries of the Council of Europe who do not have access to funds for tuition, instruments or related costs of musical education
- raising and managing funds to support music academies, conservatoires, courses, festivals and concerts, including supporting music teachers and professional musicians and the organisers of concerts, festivals and learning opportunities provided via public and educational media, with particular emphasis on supporting and sustaining the organisation and administration of the Musique-Cordiale Festival & Academy and its associated musical and educational activities in Britain and Europe
- promoting opportunities and vehicles for musical education and promotion and, in particular but not exclusively, supporting the Musique-Cordiale International Festival and Academy and its associated concerts, events and courses in Britain (Musique-Cordiale in Kent), France and elsewhere in Europe.
Activities & Public Benefit:
The objects stated here indicate most of the activities and benefits envisaged. On application by the association, the Trust may support individual projects or ongoing activities that form part of the Festival or Academy or it may provide bursaries or small grants to support individual musicians, students or teachers. In addition, it may be that the charity will itself organize courses, concerts, recitals, master-classes or educational experiences and/or publish or engage in public promotion of understanding about music and song via multi-media approaches in Britain and Europe. Support for hard-to-fund activities, including the promotion and administration of the organisations that manage such events, courses, concerts and educational out-reach are included in the Trust’s remit. Applications that are unrelated to the Musique-Cordiale Festival and Academy but which fit the Trust’s objects, goals and focus are also invited.
Trustees: The initial trustees are:
- Jonathan Barker (chairman of the Trust)
- Celia Bangham
- David Christie
- Christopher Hoyle
- David Lowe
- Peter Phillips FCA (treasurer of the Trust)
- James Swainson
No trustee will receive any payment or financial benefit from the charity except for limited reimbursement of approved expenses (e.g. occasional travel to meetings). Independence of the charity and association/perceived potential for conflict of interest The only trustee who is also on the conseil d’administration and bureau of the French association which manages the Musique Cordiale Festival & Academy will be Jonathan Barker who is also the association’s treasurer. These are the French equivalent of being a trustee and officer of the Trust. He is chairman of the Trust. Peter Phillips FCA is treasurer of the Trust.
A large proportion of the Trust’s charitable income is (to be) raised through on-going fund-raising activities associated with the annual Musique Cordiale Festival and Academy, associated concerts and events in Britain and Europe (including Musique Cordiale in Kent) and through the support of donors, public funding bodies and other charities whom it approaches because they subscribe to its goals.
The Musique-Cordiale Trust is a small charity with limited resources. It distributes and invests its income at the discretion of its trustees in ways that meet its goals and, where possible and charitable, the stated intentions of its donors.
The Trust has its own website at:
Please Click HERE for further information, including its grant-giving criteria and procedures and for how to apply for funds or how to donate to it.
Contact for the Musique Cordiale Trust: in**@M-*******.uk
The Trust helps to support the festival and Academy and its musicians and students. The object of the Musique Cordiale International Festival and Academy, which is managed independently by the French “Association Musique Cordiale” (loi 1901) is to encourage cultural exchange within Europe and internationally for the promotion of the study and performance of music and song. It does this almost exclusively through the annual 2-week festival and the associated 9-day academy. The festival, in 2023, celebrates its 19th year but, because of Covid-19 travel restrictions, it took place in the pandemic years, only – though successfully – in Kent GB.
TO MAKE A DONATION: If you wish to make a donation to The Musique-Cordiale Trust or to the association in any currency, you can do it HERE and pay by direct debit, card, bank transfer or cheque. (Please send us an email too with your details and any requests about what the money is for – so that we can thank you properly and can send you a ‘certicat du don’ or a simple Gift Aid declaration form if you are a tax-payer in France or Britain. Or please contact us if you wish to donate, sponsor or support us in any other way or wish to discuss supporting a particular activity or bursary).
Thank you!