Please complete an enrolment form first (either the ONLINE enrolment form or complete the downloadable PDF version). Then please proceed to payment. Here is information on
HOW TO PAY! You can:
This is our preferred mode of payment if you can, please
Our Bank Account details:
UK bank transfer/internet banking in GB Pounds £
Account name: Musique Cordiale Services Ltd
Sort code: 23-14-70
Account number: 11003522
Bank address: TransferWise, 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ UK
European Banking transfers/virements in EUROs € * (new: these replace our previous bank details in Germany)
Account holder: Musique-Cordiale Services Ltd.
IBAN (to receive EUR from the EU only): BE68 9670 1962 9934
Address: TransferWise Europe SA, Square de Meeûs 38 bte 40, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
French singers can send a virement to this account in EUROs € *
Titulaire: Musique Cordiale
IBAN: FR76 3005 6002 4802 4800 0709 222
Adresse: 217, Chemin des Moulins, 83440 Seillans, France
Banque: HSBC France
* any bank or commission charges are your responsibility. Please contact us for an exchange rate if you wish to pay in US dollars, Swiss Francs or Euros (or use the Euro € prices listed on the French-language version of the site).
You can download and print our HOW TO PAY MUSIQUE CORDIALE account information HERE
OR Pay by Debit or Credit Card: you can pay a deposit or pay in FULL or pay a sum of your choice [asp_product id=”30300″]
OR Pay by PayPal – in FULL or a deposit or the sum of your choice (e.g. the total on your enrolment form): you can choose the purpose, using this PayPal ‘Pay or Donate’ button:
To go back to the 2020/21 Festival Choir information page, click here
SUPPORT US: As always, we must have to point out that everything that we all love about Musiqiue Cordiale, both in France and in Britain, runs on a terribly over-tight budget. Please do not take us for granted, even after 16 years: our future is far from assured without EXTRA SUPPORT (to recover from the impact of the pandemic and its restrictions and the 2020 cancellation) from people who value what we do. So your generosity, if you can spare any additional funds, towards our charity, The Musique-Cordiale Trust, is invaluable. So many people say how much they value our concerts and our contribution to the opportunities for people with musical talents to play with orchestra professionals, to learn from those with experience or to witness the delights of singing or playing in a multi-cultural context – or to enhance the cultural opportunities and life in the special places where we rehearse and perform. Please help to ensure that this can all survive and thrive!
UK tax-payers are invited to download and complete a Gift Aid declaration for any extra contributions as Friends or Donors.
(Participation fees, accommodation, tickets & membership are not ‘Gift-Aidable’ )[asp_product id=”27235″]
Any questions about organisation or payment?
Please contact in**@mu**************.com / +44 (0)7970 185910
To go back to the 2020/21 Festival Choir information page, click here