2015 sees the launch of
The Musique-Cordiale Trust.
Our aims are to help secure the future of the festival and to encourage more of the education and the international development and exchange of musical talent of the kind that The Musique Cordiale Festival & Academy has promoted over the past decade across Europe.
OUR INITIAL TARGET IS TO RAISE £25,000 (GBPounds) IN THE NEXT YEAR. We already have pledges that amount to more than £10,000. It is hoped that raising such funds will enable the trustees to promote musical and educational goals and can eventually help supplement, in a tax-efficient way, what the French Association, which manages the festival, raises each year from membership, student and participation fees, ticket sales, grants and subventions, fund-raising, programme advertising and sponsorship. We will keep our members and supporters informed of our plans.
We will need your help! We will also be holding a Launch Event and Concert in London where some of “our” artists will perform. More details here soon or contact me (
jo******@mu**************.com). Although the festival and academy have now attracted much-appreciated financial support from several towns and cities in the Var (especially the municipality of
Seillans and
la Communauté de Communes du Pays de Fayence , as well as from Callian, Fayence, Bagnols-en-Foret and Saint-Raphael) and have developed a growing income from ticket sales, participation and student fees, membership dues and thanks to the generosity of a few Friends, Patrons and donors, it is very much in need of funds to ensure its longer-term sustainability.
With your support, the Trust should be able to help to achieve this as well as helping to promote the wider goals that it shares with the French Association Musique Cordiale, which organizes the festival and academy and, through it, also encourages musical understanding and cultural exchange. The Musique-Cordiale Trust will be based in Britain. At this stage we are seeking pledges (of future donations) and expressions of interest or commitment rather than actual donations or grants now.
Jonathan Barker, October 2014