Festival International et Académie

Pay Musique Cordiale in GB pounds now


Please pay us in one of the following ways. We usually prefer online banking and transfers direct to our bank accounts if possible.
1. MusiqueCordiale Services Ltd (which – for no charge – acts as agent, including for travel, accommodation and employment arragements. for both the association and the charity below and also manages events in Britain)
  •     Payment by card in GB pounds £ (but billed to card-holder’s account in your own currency – sera facturé dans la devise du titulaire de la carte) [fp-button]  Click to  PAY Musique-Cordiale in GB £ – by debit or credit card (any amount)  [/fp-button]
  •     Paiement par carte ou virement SEPA en Euros € (but billed to card-holder’s account in your own currency – sera facturé dans la devise du titulaire de la carte) [fp-button] Click to PAY Musique-Cordiale in Euros € – by card / carte ou SEPA (any amount) [/fp-button]

    Please contact us with any questions or concerns or if you wish to discuss your invoice, any amounts or credits due or if you prefer to deal with matters by email or telephone.

    2. The Musique-Cordiale Trust

    (charity registered in England, number 1167732). The charity supports the Festival & Academy and the association which runs it) and the promotion of musical talent, including bursaries for Academy students and payment of teachers, conductors and accompanists)

    In GB pounds £:
    Recipient: The Musique-Cordiale Trust., Norfolk Cottage, Newnham, ME9 0LL, GB
    Recipient Bank: CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) Bank
    Sort code: 40-52-40
    Account number: 00029785
    Reference: Your full name
    (Cheques in GB pounds:  payable to The Musique-Cordiale Trust, can be paid to the charity and should be sent to its address above)
    You can also pay by regular direct debit: please see options HERE See the separate website for the The Musique-Cordiale Trust

    3. L’association Musique Cordiale

    which is responsible for the International Festival & Academy in France
    qui est responsable du Festival International & Académie en France
    (French association/RNA No : W831003950, loi de 1901, Siret: 493 460 745 00018)
    En euros €
    Recipient: Musique Cordiale (l’association), 217 ch. des Moulins, 83440 Seillans, France
    Recipient bank: Qonto, Domiciliation: Qonto (Olinda SAS), 18 rue de Navarin, 75009 Paris, France
    IBAN: FR76 1695 8000 0168 5563 4394 711
    Banque 16958  Agence 00001  Compte 68556343947  Clé 11
    No cheques in Euros please for the moment / Pas de chèques en Euros svp pour le moment
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