Please pay us in one of the following ways. We usually prefer online banking and transfers direct to our bank accounts if possible.1. Musique–Cordiale Services Ltd (which – for no charge – acts as agent, including for travel, accommodation and employment arragements. for both the association and the charity below and also manages events in Britain)
- Payment by card in GB pounds £ (but billed to card-holder’s account in your own currency – sera facturé dans la devise du titulaire de la carte) [fp-button] Click to PAY Musique-Cordiale in GB £ – by debit or credit card (any amount) [/fp-button]
- Paiement par carte ou virement SEPA en Euros € (but billed to card-holder’s account in your own currency – sera facturé dans la devise du titulaire de la carte) [fp-button] Click to PAY Musique-Cordiale in Euros € – by card / carte ou SEPA (any amount) [/fp-button]
Please contact us with any questions or concerns or if you wish to discuss your invoice, any amounts or credits due or if you prefer to deal with matters by email or telephone.