Support the Musique-Cordiale Team (any amount is much appreciated) !

Faversham, Pays de Fayence


Any contribution helps to make the annual festival and our other concerts and our student Academy work – because it is a lot of year-round voluntary work. Please be as generous as you can. (PS We cab claim Gift Aid  to make it 25% more valuable if you are a UK taxpayer). Just £5 or 5€ from anyone who values Musique-Cordiale can make the difference!

£5 or 5€ or any amount! - thank you! Merci

£5 or 5€! any amount/ n'importe quel montant


Any contribution  (CLICK HERE) helps to make the annual festival and our other concerts and our student Academy work - because it is a lot of year-round voluntary work. Please be as generous as you can. (PS We cab claim Gift Aid  to make it 25% more valuable if you are a UK taxpayer).

Just £5 or 5€ from anyone who values Musique-Cordiale can make the difference!

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