Festival International et Académie

AGM, Annual Reports & Accounts & Management

The 2024 Annual General Meeting is coming up soon!. This will take place in on 12 January 2025 on zoom (we have a far-flung and international membership). We have invited existing members by email and WhatsApp in late November. HERE IS THE ANNOUNCEMENT & INVITATION TO THE MEETING

Annual General Meeting  of L’association Musique Cordiale which is responsible for the Festival. PLEASE JOIN or update your membership now to participate and help to plan the future of the festival and the association! If you are or become a member, please contact us for the link so that you join us at the VIRTUAL AGM at 6:30 PM UK Time (GMT) or 19h:30 French (CET) time on 12  (reminder to members  & people who would like to JOIN to pay your annual subscriptions well before the meeting to get the Zoom invitation and the opportunity to listen, speak, stand for election and to vote!)
or contact us:  in**@mu**************.com


HERE is the latest annual report about the Festival & the association Musique Cordiale
(for 2023, dated January 2024, in English & French)
HERE is the annual Rapport Moral of the association (for 2022)
or click HERE for annual report of the association 2019 here: see below for other recent reports

Each year, the association Musique Cordiale organises the International Festival featuring choral and orchestral music, some chamber music and jazz together with an academy for talented young string players. The (COVID-19-CANCELLED) 2020 festival WAS TO BE its 16th annual edition. A successful set of festivals were eventually arranged, on a much smaller scale, in Kent, GB in 2020, 2021 & 2022. It is to be revived:

  • The 20th annual Musique-Cordiale Festival will take place in the Pays de Fayence, 31 July – 10 August 2024
  • 3-12 August 2023 were the dates for the 19th Festival, returning to its original locations in the Pays de Fayence, France.
  • In 2018 & 2019, the association also organised a programme of outreach work before the festival to involve children aged 5 to 15. This resulted in a concert for “Les Jeunes Choristes de Musique Cordiale” on the opening day of the festival.
  • The festival features a series of rehearsals and high-calibre concerts in local churches and chapels and in outdoor spaces, mainly within the Pays de Fayence. Lunch-time concerts and the concert of “Les Jeunes Choristes” offer free entry.
  • The academy offers young players the chance to rehearse and play beside a professional in an orchestral concert and in other individual and ensemble concerts.
  • Players are drawn from the major orchestras and conservatoires of Europe  & North America. In recent years, accomplished singers have joined the choir from France, Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Spain, Morocco, Holland, Ireland and the USA.
  • Choir and Academy participants constitute the main group of the association’s members and the AGM takes place during the festival. They and the orchestra and team eat meals together each evening.
  • It is not necessary to be a member to attend concerts and we have attracted more than 3500 entries to concerts from members of the public at each recent festival. Membership offers a small discount from online ticket prices. It IS necessary to be a member to participate, for example in the choir or Academy or to consume meals, accommodation or other services provided by the association – or to stand, nominate or be elected to the Management Committee / Conseil d’administration.
  • A growing number of people have chosen to be ‘Friends of the Festival’ to help support it with their donations. Others, mainly from Britain, contribute by making donations to our UK charity which provides grants that pay for the teachers, orchestral and choral conductors and rehearsal accompanists as well as helping to fund the administration of the festival and other Musique-Cordiale musical events. The Trust also pays for bursaries for Academy students and discounts for participants from the PACA (France) and Kent (England) regions and for students.
  • The festival has benefited from the generous support of local communes from its outset. Initially, assistance was offered mainly by the town of Seillans where rehearsals take place and which continues to be the main base for accommodation and communal eating. However other towns have also contributed in recent years to support individual events. Accommodation in August is scarce and expensive and more of our participants have begun to be accommodated in other nearby locations within the Pays de Fayence. In recent years, most of our public support has come from the Community of Communes of the Pays de Fayence and in most years there was at least one concert in each of its communes as well as a few in other nearby towns.

Annual Reports & Accounts

Each year the report and accounts are posted online after approval by the Conseil d’Administration early in the year after the accounts close. They are made available to members in the run-up to the Annual General Meeting (open to all; members can vote and stand for election). The AGM takes place each year, usually during or after the festival – or recently soon afterwards on ZOOM. Minutes are available from the secretary.  

2020-23…  & the future:

2023 annual accounts of the association – and consolidated accounts for the 2023 festival

2022 Accounts are very limited as the association had no activities – and did not seek or receive any public funds – at all during the year. Musique-Cordiale activity was conducted in the UK only under the auspices of UK partner organisers (Musique-Cordiale Services Ltd & The Musique-Cordiale Trust)in Kent, GB  (with their own accounts). HERE is the latest annual Rapport Moral of the association (for 2022).

2021 Accounts of the association for the calendar year to 31 December 2021. These represent only the association’s income & expenditure in 2021, which included only a partial contribution to the costs and income from the 2021 Festival held, because of continuing pandemic restrictions, in Kent, GB rather than in the Var, France. The 2021 association accounts can be found HERE

2020 Accounts for the calendar year to 31 December 2020 and an initial budget for 2021 were produced in November 2020 in provisional form after the cancellation of the 2020 festival. A final version was approved by the newly-elected Management Committee / Conseil d’administration in January 2021 (and submitted for final approval by members at the 2021 AGM).

  • The latest accounts for 2020 and an initial budget for 2021 are HERE. The budget depends on decisions about what activities may be deemed to be possible in 2021 in light of the developing Coronavirus situation.
  • The report and notes of the Treasurer, to accompany these accounts and any 2020-21 grant applications, can be found HERE (in English & French).
  • Following the 3-year Covid-19 shutdown of the festival & academy in France, a new budget has been developed for a revival of the Festival & Academy in  Seillans & Le Pays de Fayence, 3 – 13 August 2023).

AGM 2020: The 2020 AGM (assemblée générale) was virtual on Zoom at 10AM (UK time) on Saturday 15 August 2020. L’AGM (assemblée générale) etait virtuelle sur Zoom à 11h (heure français) le samedi 15 août. (Note: At the time of the meeting, members had the 2 sets of accounts and budgets with notes from the treasurer, plus a message “Morally-Speaking” in lieu of the normal full annual Rapport Moral, sent from Pippa, the artistic director).

  • The 2019 accounts and the original 2020 budget (Jan 2020, before the festival was cancelled) are HERE: These 2019 accounts were submitted for final approval at the 2020 AGM.
  • + Revised 2020 budget and notes (post cancellation of the 2020 festival, July 2020, are HERE English et français).


Following the meeting and the process of nomination and election by members, the Management Committee / Conseil d’Administration of the association, responsible for the 3 years, 2020-23,  has been re-constituted. Click HERE for details and committee members.

Ordre du Jour / Agenda :

  1. Annual report of the Board/ BILAN DU PRESIDENT et le Conseil d’administration 2019: voir rapport moral de Pippa Pawlik ICI 
  2. Annual report of the Treasurer /BILAN FINANCIER 2019 & notes re 2020 (see above)
  3. Le FESTIVAL et le PROGRAMME 2020….. et L’avenir – announcements, uncertainties & issues / annoncements, incertitudes et questions
  4. Decisions about next year: L’ANNÉE PROCHAINE 2021, y compris les questions de “Brexit” et de Covid-19.
  5. MEMBRES CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION   / membership of the Board
    Subject to your approval at this meeting, we propose to circulate a list of candidates for the Bureau (officers of the association – no changes proposed) and for the Conseil d’administration (board of management) – nominations being sought after this meeting – for the coming 3-year cycle. However, we propose to do this by email in September this time. In view of the possibility of virtual meetings, we consider that it is no longer necessary for members of the board to be physically present in Seillans for meetings, thus opening membership of the Board to members in the choir and orchestra and our Europe-wide audiences and supporters. This would better reflect the membership of the association and would meet the requirements for diversity). We will seek nominations by email to all members and, after a due passage of time, the result will be announced and, if necessary, elections will be held by email ballot sent to members.

    Sous réserve de votre approbation lors de cette assemblée, nous proposons de faire circuler une liste de candidats pour le Bureau (dirigeants de l’association – aucun changement proposé) et pour le Conseil d’administration – les candidatures étant sollicitées à l’issue de cette assemblée – pour le prochain cycle de 3 ans. Cependant, nous proposons de le faire par e-mail en septembre cette fois. Compte tenu de la possibilité de réunions virtuelles, nous considérons qu’il n’est plus nécessaire que les membres du conseil soient physiquement présents à Seillans pour les réunions, ouvrant ainsi l’adhésion au conseil aux membres du chœur et de l’orchestre et à notre public européen. et supporters. Cela refléterait mieux la composition de l’association et répondrait aux exigences de diversité). Nous rechercherons les candidatures par e-mail à tous les membres et, après un délai imparti, le résultat sera annoncé et, si nécessaire, les élections auront lieu par bulletin de vote par e-mail envoyé aux membres.
  7. Next meeting: subject to your confirmation and following your clear feedback at previous recent AGMs, we propose to continue the practice of holding meetings annual during the annual festival or to coincide with whatever events it may be possible for MC to organise next year when members are congregated.
    Prochaine réunion: sous réserve de votre confirmation et suite à vos commentaires clairs lors des précédentes AGA récentes, nous vous proposons de continuer la pratique de tenir des réunions annuelles pendant le festival annuel ou de coiuncun avec les événements que MC pourrait organiser l’année prochaine lorsque les membres le seront rassemblés.


2018 – 2019

The annual report and accounts of the Association to 31 December 2018 and the association 2019 and 2020 budgets, together with the Treasurer’s accompanying notes, are available to members and online. The 2019 budget and the 2018 accounts were approved by the Conseil d’Administration in January 2019 and the accounts were approved by members of the association at the previous Assemblée Générale in 2019 which took place on 17 August 2019 in Seillans. HERE ARE THE MINUTES of the AGM 17 August 2019. 

Ordre du Jour/Agenda :

  1. Annual report / BILAN DU PRESIDENT 2018
  2. Annual report of the Treasurer /BILAN FINANCIER 2018
  3. Le FESTIVAL et le PROGRAMME 2019 – announcements & issues / annoncements et questions
  4. Decisions about next year: L’ANNÉE PROCHAINE 2020, y compris le question de “Brexit”
  5. MEMBRES CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION   / membership of the Board (non soumis à élection sur un cycle de 3 ans en 2019  –  not subject to election on 3 year cycle in 2019)


2014 – 2017

The full annual reports & accounts of the Association for previous years are also available to members. Each year they are posted online after approval by the Conseil d’Administration early in the year after the accounts close. They are made available to members in the run-up to the Annual General Meeting (open to all members). This takes place each year during the festival. Minutes are available from the secretary.  

And from previous years:

The Musique-Cordiale Trust

The accounts of the English Musique-Cordiale Trust, which supports the festival, are available on its own separate website. Its latest report and accounts up to 1 September 2024 can be seen here:

The separate annual reports and accounts for all years since 2016  of The Musique-Cordiale Trust,
the English charity which supports the Festival & Academy,
can be viewed and downloaded on its separate Trust website HERE.

The 2022 Annual Report & set of accounts of The Musique-Cordiale Trust
(to 30 November 2021) are also available HERE now

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