TICKET: Monday 5 August 2019 – Soirée Musicale, Gala Dinner & pre-festival Fundraising evening
Monday 5 August, 19:00
Le Moulin de la Camandoule
54,00 € – 150,00 €
19h (7 PM), Le Moulin de la Camandoule, Fayence a pre-Festival event 2019 Ruth Harrison (flute), Colette Overdijk (violin), Ian Anderson (viola), Sophie Haynes (cello) & Rebecca Taylor (piano) [tc_event_date event_id=”23085″][tc_event_location id=”23094″] (entre Seillans et Fayence)
Tickets / Billets | GALA, Equipe/musiciens/invités, Friend/Ami, Table per person |
You can buy multiple tickets. For each ticket for an existing Friend, please buy at the discounted rate. (you can also join as a Friend and immediately use the discounted rate: please go to our SUPPORT US page first).
If you are buying 8 or more tickets to make up a table, please pay for at least 8 tickets and use the Table (per person) price (please book and pay for whole tables by 30 June). For other tickets, please pay full price and book and pay by 31 July). Thank you.
Available only on reservation before 31 July 2019 (subject to availability)
Deadline for booking & paying for whole tables: 30 June 2019
Thank you very much for your support!
We value (and need) support and funds to put on the events that Musique Cordiale offers. In addition to buying tickets and coming to our concerts, we welcome supporters who are able to contribute further by making donations, becoming Friends of the Festival, offering accommodation or help. Each summer, the association which runs the summer festival also holds a FUND-RAISING dinner of good food, wine and musical entertainment. Please consider joining us at this rewarding event! (Other summer festival events can be reserved on our 2018 Programme page)
French donors to l'association Musique Cordiale (FR), which runs the festival, can obtain a Certificat du Don to offset against tax. For our UK donors, we are now supported by The Musique-Cordiale Trust, an independent charity registered in England (no. 1167732), allowing British taxpayers to add Gift Aid (25%) to their contributions as Donors or Friends (in GB pounds), meaning that we receive the donation and also reclaim the tax paid on the income that paid for it. The Trust will help us, for example, to award bursaries to young musicians applying to join the Academy, to invite exceptional teachers and conductors to lead the ensembles or to support a particular event or activity during the Festival, including its 'outreach' educational work with children in Provence. It also helps the support the costs of employing our invaluable year-round part-time workers who are based in France and who make the whole thing possible, something that is especially hard to fund. Please contact us or go to www.musique-cordiale.org for information and to support The Musique-Cordiale Trust.