Ten years on…. 2023 Summer Festival Programme of CONCERTS is now available HERE
For the 2022 Summer Festival Programme, see HERE
The 9th annual Musique-Cordiale international festival is scheduled to take place from 6-17 August 2013 with the Academy assembling in the previous week and rehearsals beginning on 4 August. The festival features 20 concerts, of which 9, including the “amuse bouche” opening concert and a jazz concert in Saint-Raphaël, will be free. Venues are the medieval hill towns of Seillans, Bargemon, Mons, Callian, Bagnols-en-Forêt, Correns and Claviers in the Var, France. Conductors are David Bates of La Nuova Musica and Graham Ross, Director of Music at Clare College, Cambridge.
Works to be performed include Dvorak Stabat Mater, Mozart Symphony No 29, Rejoice in the Lamb, Vaughan Williams Serenade to Music, Handel Dixit Dominus, Charpentier Le Reniement de Saint Pierre and John Blow Venus & Adonis…. with “Classic meets Jazz” evenings with Maria Markesini and Germany’s Klazz Brothers.
See here for the programme for the free lunchtime concerts
Tuesday 6 August
CONCERT 1: 19h30, Eglise de MONS
Festival Prologue: Concert “Amuse Bouche”
Martin Trio
Jonathan Parkin, clarinet
Dan Bull, cello
John Paul Ekins, piano
Kenneth Leighton, Fantasy on an American Hymn Tune
Frescobaldi/Cassado Toccata
Saint-Saëns Sonate pour Clarinette op. 167 (2eme mvt.)
Debussy La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin (arr. clarinet & piano)
Mendelssohn Songs Without Words, Book III, op.38, No. 18 in A flat Major
Liszt Cantique d’Amour
Brahms Trio en la mineur pour Clarinette, violoncelle & piano, op. 114
free entry
Wednesday 7 August
Chapelle de Notre Dame de l’Ormeau
Lunchtime concert
Free entry
CONCERT 3: 19h30, Eglise de SEILLANS
Members of La Nuova Musica
David Bates, conductor
Vespasian Attilo Ariosti
Vespasian – overture
G F Haendel
il trionfo del tempo e del disinganno 1706
Voglio Tempo, Un Pensiero nemico di pace
Lascia La Spina
Israel in Egypt 1739
The Lord is a man of war
Giulio Cesare 1724
Va tacito e nascosto, Piú amabile beltà
Dal fugor di questa spada
Attilo Ariosti
scena della prigione
Francesco Conti
Issipile 1732
Guarda mi prima in volto, nell’istante sfortunato
Odia la Pastorella, ritrova in quei detti
Alexander’s Feast 1736, Revenge Timotheus Cries
They many rend the skies with loud applause
G F Handel – Dixit Dominus
Tickets: 20€
Thursday 8 August
Chapelle de Notre Dame de l’Ormeau
Lunchtime concert
Free entry
CONCERT 5: 19h30, Eglise de CLAVIERS
Concert of Musique Cordiale Soloists
Graham Ross, conductor
PURCELL: Trumpet Sonata in D
John Shaddock, trumpet
MOZART: Divertimento in D
HAYDN: Cello Concerto No. 2 in D major
Chiara Enderle, cello
HAYDN: Sinfonia Concertante for violin, oboe, basson & cello
Lavinia Price, Lisa Gross, Lara Morger & Chiara Enderle
Tickets : 15€
This concert is sponsored by the Morris-Venables Charitable Foundation
PLUS (in association with St Raphaël)…..
CONCERT 6: in association with la ville de Saint Raphaël
21h00 St RAPHAËL, Parvis des Templiers
KLAZZ BROTHERS & Maria Markesini: ‘Cinema Passionata’
Free entry
Friday 9 August
Chapelle de Notre Dame de l’Ormeau
Members of the Musique-Cordiale Academy 2013
Lunchtime concert
Free entry
CONCERT 8: 21h, Eglise de SEILLANS
Musique-Cordiale Academy 2013 Concert with orchestra
Graham Ross, conductor
MOZART: Divertimento in D, K. 136 (for strings)
HAYDN: Cello Concerto No. 2 in D major
Chiara Enderle, cello
HAYDN: Sinfonia Concertante for violin, oboe, basson & cello
Lavinia Price, Lisa Gross, Lara Morger & Chiara Enderle
MOZART: Concerto for Flute & Harp
Magdalena Krupa, flute, & Tanya Houghton, Harp
HAYDN: Symphony No. 87
Tickets: 15€
This concert is sponsored by the Stichting Galamian Instituut voor Musiek, Haarlem, Nederland, and is being performed in memory of the violinist, Carmel Kaine, (1937-2103) a student of Ivan Galamian and a friend and teacher of several musicians associated with the festival.
Saturday 10 August :
CONCERT 9: 19h30, SEILLANS, out of doors (weather permitting), Place du Valat
Classic meets Jazz
KLAZZ BROTHERS – Swingin’ the Classics
with Maria Markesini
Tickets 15€
Sunday 11 August
Chappelle de Notre Dame de l’Ormeau
Lunchtime concert
Free entry
CONCERT 11: 19h30, Eglise de BARGEMON
Orchestral concert
Graham Ross, conductor
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Serenade to Music with La Nuova Musica
MOZART: Flute and Harp Concerto
Magdalena Krupa, flute
Tanya Houghton, harp
PROKOFIEV: Peter and the Wolf
Narrator: Maurice McSweeney
Tickets: 15€
Monday 12 August
CONCERT 12: 21h, Salle Polyvalente, SEILLANS
(We regret to announce, 20 July 2013, that Michel Tirabosco has incurred an injury and will NOT be able to play this year. We currently expect to CANCEL this concert rather than replacing it with an alternative programme).
Michel Tirabosco,pan-pipes,
Sophie Tirabosco (voix),
Jean-Marie Reboul, piano….. & friends
Tickets: 15€
Tuesday 13 August
CONCERT 13: 19:30: Salle Polyvalente, Seillans
Martin Trio
Jonathan Parkin, clarinet
Dan Bull, cello
John-Paul Ekins, piano
Tristan Hambleton, baritone
Beethoven Trio en B mol pour Clarinette, violoncelle & piano
Debussy Reverie
Purcell ‘Lamentation de Didon’ de Didon & Enée
Tickets: 15€
CONCERT 14: 21h, Eglise de CORRENS
Odes, Anthems and a Masque
Members of La Nuova Musica
David Bates, conductor
PURCELL: Come ye sons of Art
PURCELL: My Beloved Spake
CHARPENTIER: Le Reniement de S Pierre
BLOW: God Spake sometimes in Visions
BLOW: Venus & Adonis
Tickets: 15€
Wed 14 August
Chappelle de Notre Dame de l’Ormeau
Lunchtime concert
Free entry
Wednesday 14 August
CONCERT 16: 19h30, Eglise de Seillans
Choral Concert & Peter and the Wolf
Graham Ross conductor
PURCELL: Hear my prayer, O Lord
BRUCKNER: Locus iste
BRUCKNER: Christus factus est
BRITTEN: Rejoice in the Lamb
BRAHMS: Geistliches Lied
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Serenade to Music with LNM and orchestra
PROKOFIEV: Peter and the Wolf
Narrator: Maurice McSweeney
Tickets: 20€
Thursday 15 August
CONCERT 17: 19h30, Eglise de BAGNOLS-en-FORET
Members of La Nuova Musica
David Bates, conductor
BACH motets & HANDEL Dixit Dominus
BACH: Komm Jesu, Komm BWV 229
BACH: Cello Suite 1/2
Chiara Enderle, cello
BACH: Lobet Den Herrn BWV 230
BACH: Cello Suite 2/2
Chiara Enderle, cello
BACH: Der Geist Hilft unser schwachheit auf BWV 226
BACH: Violin Concerto (TBC)
BACH: Singet dem Herrn BWV 225
HANDEL: Dixit Dominus
Tickets : 15€
Fri 16 August
Chapelle de Notre Dame de l’Ormeau
Lunctime concert
Free entry
CONCERT 19: 19h30, Eglise de CALLIAN
Grand Concert with choir and orchestra
Graham Ross, conductor
DVORAK: Stabat Mater (soloists, choir + orchestra)
Tickets: 20€
Saturday 17 August
CONCERT 20: 19h30, Eglise de SEILLANS
Grand Closing Concert with choir & orchestra
Graham Ross, conductor
DVORAK: Stabat Mater (soloists, choir + orchestra)
Tickets: 20€
Musique Cordiale International Festival & Academy
Office de Tourisme de Seillans, Place de Thouron, 83440 Seillans, France +33 (0) 494 76 85 91
9me festival annuel : 6 – 17 août 2013 (Academy 3-10 août)
Seillans, Mons, Bargemon, Callian, Claviers, Bagnols-en-Forêt, Correns
Association Musique Cordiale, France The Musique-Cordiale Trust, England