8 August 2024, 6PM – (“Festival OFF”) extra concert by Musique-Cordiale choir & Orchestra in MENTON: Verdi Requiem

Thursday 8 August, 18:00

Anglican church of St John, MENTON

30,00 £

Guiseppe Verdi: Messa da Requiem Rebecca Hardwick, soprano | Charlotte King, alto |Aidan Coburn, tenor |Peter Lidbetter, bass |Choeur et l’orchestre du Festival Musique Cordiale |direction Graham Ross, director of Music, Clare College, Cambridge | Anglican Church of St John, MENTON, Alpes-Maritime


(This is a "FESTIVAL OFF" EVENT: the choir & orchestra perform in the Alpes-Maritime this evening. The same concert that will take place in Seillans on Saturday 10 August (as the closing Festival concert). Meanwhile, on 8 August, we are staging a Jazz and French song concert - see next event).

Anglican Church of St John, MENTON, Alpes-Maritime, 18h
Tickets 30€ - on sale here on-line and also on sale at the door

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