Excludes sales at the door or by phone or email
Also excludes season pass holders
30 July 2024, 7PM - CONCERT D’OUVERTURE AU VIGNOBLE (Domaine Val d'Iris) 30/07/2024 19:00 - 22:30 Domaine Val d'Iris, SEILLANS
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: 0
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event
31 July 2024, 7PM: The Counter-tenor & other voices 31/07/2024 19:00 - 21:00 Eglise de SEILLANS
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: 0
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event
1 August 2024, 9PM: Soirée OPERA 01/08/2024 21:00 - 23:00 La nouvelle scène de l'ancienne Gare de Seillans (en plein air)
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: 0
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event
2 August 2024, 7PM - Concert, THE CONCERTO: BACH & VIVALDI, Montauroux 02/08/2024 19:00 - 21:00 Eglise St Bartholemy, MONTAUROUX
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: 150
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event
3 August 2024, 9PM: Soirée OPERA [performance 2] 03/08/2024 21:00 - 23:00 Stadium de la Gare, SEILLANS
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: 0
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event
5 August 2024, 7PM: La Belle Musique Baroque, St Paul-en-Forêt 05/08/2024 19:00 - 21:00 l'Église Saint-Paul, St Paul-en-Forêt
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: ∞
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event
6 August 2024, 21h: "The German Romantic" at Sunset - AU COUCHER DU SOLEIL: Siegfried Idyll, Strauss Four Last Songs, Wagner's Tristan & Schubert, Théâtre de Verdure, Fayence 06/08/2024 21:00 - 22:30 Théâtre de Verdure, Fayence
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: 400
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event
7 August 2024, 7PM: une soirée de jazz et chansons françaises: "EAU DE CHANSONS" 07/08/2024 19:00 - 21:30 Chapelle Saint-Donat (au pied de ) Callian
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: 160
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event
8 August, 6PM (non-festival) extra concert by Musique-Cordiale choir & Orchestra in MENTON: Verdi Requiem 08/08/2024 18:00 - 20:00 Anglican church of St John, MENTON
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: ∞
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event
8 August 2024, 9PM: une soirée de jazz et chansons françaises: "EAU DE CHANSONS", Seillans 08/08/2024 21:00 - 23:30 nouveay Stadium de la Gare, SEILLANS
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: 200
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event
9 August 2024, 7PM: Vivaldi 4 Seasons, Haydn, Mendelsson & Poulenc, Bagnols-en-Forêt 09/08/2024 19:00 - 21:00 l'Église Saint-Antonin, Bagnols-en-Forêt
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: 0
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event
10 August, 6PM- Concert de Clôture du festival: VERDI REQUIEM, Musique-Cordiale choir & Orchestra, Seillans 10/08/2024 19:00 - 21:00 Eglise Saint Leger, SEILLANS
Event tickets sold: 0Event tickets left: 200
Event total tickets revenue: USD0
Stats are not available since there are no ticket types associated with the event